If you’re confused about which type of business entity you should form, Dorian PLLC can help you decide which entity is best for your business. The firm will walk you through a series of questions to determine the exact nature of your business and individual needs to determine which type of entity would best suit your tax situation. We have the ability to form any Texas entity, which includes all state and federal filings. We’ll get your tax ID and forward everything to the bank of your choice to get you going as quickly and efficiently as possible.
We’ll also explain to you the differences between an LLC, LP, LLP, INC, not for profit, etc. and how those differences will affect your current and future tax structure. Dorian CPA will give you enough information and guide you through the process each step of the way.
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Dorian PLLC , a CPA firm that provides tax, accounting and business advisory services. Contact us for help with tax planning and preparation, business accounting, account reconciliation and more. We serve a wide variety of industries. Call 469.374.3150 to learn more or schedule an appointment today.